Attendees tour vendor displays at a previous Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar.

Gardening expert and writer Barbara Pleasant will be one of the featured speakers at the Northern Neck Master Gardeners’ (NNMG) 29th Gardening in the Northern Neck seminar. The seminar is scheduled for Saturday, March 25, at the White Stone Church of the Nazarene, 57 Whisk Drive in White Stone. The theme of the seminar is “In Your Own Backyard.”

“Barbara’s love of gardening comes through in all she does,” said NNMG president Lynn Osborne. “She wants to help you learn to grow at least some of your own food, and she is excited to share my lifetime of gardening, cooking, and preservation of delicious things to eat.”

“Barbara is the author of several books about gardening and food preservation,” said Deborah Marl, NNMG book sales chairperson. “We will be selling two of her books at the seminar: “Starter Vegetable Gardens” and “Homegrown Pantry.”

Join the Northern Neck Master Gardeners and be educated and entertained as Heather explores the fascinating world of pollinators and how to attract more of them to your gardens.

Registration forms are available here and the fee for the seminar is $50. Proceeds from Gardening in the Northern Neck help fund the NNMG Scholarship program and other educational and outreach projects. Registration forms and instructions will be available at

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