Reedville Shoreline Garden
Reedville Shoreline Garden


The Shoreline Evaluation Program (SEP) is an informational program designed to help
waterfront homeowners protect their property from erosion and contribute to the restoration of
the Chesapeake Bay by protecting their nearshore water.

Launched in 2012, SEP was developed by the Northern Neck Master Gardeners with the support of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS). Members of SEP are trained in horticulture by Virginian Cooperative Extension (VCE), receive special training in shoreline protection through an ongoing partnership with VIMS and are trained in stormwater management through the VCE Advance Water Steward program.

The program is available to all residents of the Northern Neck. Each year SEP offers free seminars on various aspects of shoreline and stormwater management.  SEP members are also present at local farmer markets and other Northern Neck community events to provide information and questions about waterfront property protection.  Our brochure contains the details.

Shoreline Erosion Program Brochure    

The program offers homeowners an on-site assessment of their shoreline protection. During an evaluation, protection issues are addressed across the entire property from upland to shoreline. Protection alternatives, from natural vegetative to engineered installations, are discussed. The current and projected effects of climate change are also taken into consideration. To apply, please submit the registration provided below:

Shoreline Evaluation Registration and Questionnaire    – MSWord format

Shoreline Evaluation Registration and Questionnaire   – pdf version  

Vegetation plays a major role in stormwater management and shoreline protection. The Northern Neck Master Gardeners maintain a demonstration garden as part of the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum. This garden is designed to manage stormwater runoff from the adjacent church building and parking area. It also provides living shoreline protection of the shoreline. We recommend a visit to this beautiful garden to see the variety and effectiveness of plants that can play a role in shoreline and stormwater protection. The garden is open 24 hours a day for self-guided tours and admission is free. Below are links to a guide to this garden and its plant directory:

Guide to the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum Shoreline Garden

RFM Shoreline Garden Plant Directory

Read more about the Shoreline Evaluation Program here.



Badly eroded bank
Badly eroded bank



For SEP Team Members